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  • Bloxtel is a technology company that combines blockchain and telecom techologies to help you deploy the world's most advanced private 5G standalone network at a site within your organization whether inside an office building, school campus, sporting/music venue, farm, etc.

  • After ordering the Bloxtel's Operator Starter Kit, your organization can use the Operator dApp which runs on a secure private blockchain. A dedicated Certified Technician will be assigned to your organization for helping you deploy your private 5G standalone network. It should work like Wi-Fi with dSIMs pre-installed into your devices or downloadable from the Operator dApp.

  • Bloxtel has the only private 5G standalone solution in the market that supports its patented dSIM® technology, which utilizes blockchain to fully decentralize a mobile network deployment in order to achieve unparalleled results:
    - 70% more secure
    - 80% more performant
    - 90% more affordable
    - 10x more scalable

  • Other than charging a reasonable setup fee that varies based on the number of small cells to be installed, Bloxtel charges a monthly recurring fee per small cell. See our current pricing schedule here.

  • Many private 5G vendors out there claim support for 5G, but it's really 5G NSA. Most of offerings look almost the same. In fact, there is no clear differentiation in their products, yet they are very expensive and complex to deploy. Compared to Wi-Fi, this makes it hard to justify your private 5G network acquisition strategy. With the patented dSIM technology, Bloxtel makes 5G (and beyond) deployment as easy as Wi-Fi configuration.

    They consist of large, slow-moving public operators and their vendors. Their expensive solutions are hard to customize and scale down. Large operators are also not software companies, but just resellers of their vendors. This group is not organized to deal with operations with less than 1,000 SIMs. It does not fit their business models.

    They consist of cloud providers who are very entrenched in their everything-in the-cloud mantra which creates huge performance, security and privacy concerns for your organization. Their centralized solutions require strong devOps expertise (just ask your IT team about Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD). Their SLAs are generally not carrier-grade, so expect more than 1m 26s of downtime per day.

    Their solutions are in general just scaled-down versions of products offered by incumbents and/or hyperscalers. They still use the same traditional centralized approach to telecom with the same deployment complexity. Some of them are also powering the solutions that incumbents or hyperscalers are marketing to your organization.

  • 5G Standalone (5G SA) is a term used to describe a fully independent and self-contained implementation of 5G technology. In the context of cellular networks, 5G is the fifth generation of wireless communication technology, succeeding 4G (LTE). Unlike most early deployments of 5G, which initially relied on existing 4G infrastructure (known as Non-Standalone or 5G NSA), 5G Standalone is designed to operate without any dependence on older network technologies. Many vendors out there claim support for 5G, but it's really fake 5G because it's 5G NSA.

    5G SA (i.e. the real 5G) is the ultimate vision for 5G technology, offering the full range of capabilities and performance improvements that 5G promises. It is expected to enable a wide range of applications and services that can benefit from the high-speed, low-latency, and flexible nature of 5G networks.

    Key features and characteristics of 5G SA include:

     Core Network:
    In 5G SA, the core network is entirely built around 5G architecture. This means that the core network functions, such as user authentication, data routing, and network management, are all based on 5G specifications.

     New Radio (NR):
    5G Standalone networks use a new radio technology known as 5G NR, which operates on different frequency bands compared to previous generations and offers significantly higher data speeds and lower latency.

     Network Slicing:
    5G SA allows for network slicing, a technology that enables the creation of multiple virtual networks within a single physical network infrastructure. This allows network operators to allocate resources and customize services for various use cases, such as IoT, industrial applications, and enhanced mobile broadband.

     Low Latency:
    5G Standalone networks are designed to offer extremely low latency, often in the range of 1 millisecond or less. This is crucial for applications that require real-time responsiveness, such as autonomous vehicles and remote surgery.

     Enhanced Security:
    5G SA includes improved security features, including stronger encryption and authentication protocols, to protect data and user privacy.

     Improved Efficiency:
    The architecture of 5G Standalone networks is more efficient in terms of spectrum usage and energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings for network operators.

  • CBRS stands for Citizens Broadband Radio Service. It is a wireless spectrum band in the United States that has been designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for shared use between government and commercial users. CBRS operates in the 3.5 GHz band, specifically from 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz.

    CBRS is notable for its unique regulatory framework, which includes three tiers of access: 1. Incumbent Users: The first tier is reserved for incumbent users, such as the Department of Defense and other government agencies, that have priority access to the spectrum. They are protected from interference and have the highest priority.

    2. Priority Access License (PAL): The second tier is allocated for Priority Access Licenses, which are auctioned off by the FCC. PAL holders have secondary access rights and must not interfere with incumbent users. These licenses are typically held by commercial entities and can be used for various wireless services.

    3. General Authorized Access (GAA): The third tier is the GAA tier, which allows unlicensed users to access the spectrum when it is not in use by incumbents or PAL holders. GAA devices must operate on a non-interference basis, giving priority to higher-tier users.

    CBRS is seen as a significant development in spectrum management because it allows for the efficient sharing of valuable mid-band spectrum between government and commercial users. This makes it well-suited for various wireless applications, including 4G LTE and 5G cellular networks, fixed wireless broadband, and private networks for enterprises and industries.

    Some key benefits of CBRS include:
    Increased spectrum availability for wireless communication, which can help alleviate congestion on existing bands. Opportunities for smaller service providers and enterprises to deploy wireless networks in a cost-effective manner. Improved wireless coverage and capacity in urban and rural areas. Support for innovative use cases, such as private LTE/5G networks for industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. CBRS has gained attention for its potential to accelerate the deployment of 5G networks and support a wide range of wireless services and applications in the United States. It serves as a model for spectrum-sharing frameworks that aim to optimize the use of limited spectrum resources.

  • Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is essentially a decentralized database (i.e. storage) and exection environment. Applied to the telecom industry, it can solve the 5G (and beyond such as 6G) densification problems. Moreover, the immutability and decentralized architecture reduces the risk of a single point of failure. This decentralized nature makes it resistant to censorship, interference, and hacking, which can be especially valuable in scenarios where trust is a challenge or where intermediaries may not be fully trusted. Here are some key reasons why organizations and individuals use blockchain:

    Immutable and Secure Record Keeping: Blockchain provides a tamper-resistant and transparent ledger where data once recorded cannot be easily altered or deleted. This makes it valuable for applications where data integrity and security are crucial, such as financial transactions, healthcare records, and supply chain management.

    Decentralization: Blockchain operates on a decentralized network of computers, reducing the risk of a single point of failure. This decentralized nature makes it resistant to censorship, interference, and hacking, which can be especially valuable in scenarios where trust is a challenge or where intermediaries may not be fully trusted.

    Transparency: Blockchain's open and transparent ledger allows all participants in a network to view and verify transactions. This transparency can enhance trust among stakeholders and reduce fraud in various industries, including logistics and voting systems.

    Trustless Transactions: Blockchain enables trustless transactions, meaning parties can engage in transactions without the need for a trusted intermediary. This can reduce costs, eliminate the risk of fraud, and increase efficiency in areas like peer-to-peer payments and smart contracts.

    Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They automate and enforce contract execution, reducing the need for intermediaries and potentially reducing costs and errors in contractual processes.

    Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain is the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. People use blockchain to facilitate secure and decentralized digital payments, store value, and access decentralized finance (DeFi) services.

    Supply Chain Management: Blockchain can be used to trace the origins and movement of products in supply chains. This transparency helps prevent fraud, reduce errors, and improve accountability in areas like food safety and luxury goods authentication.

    Identity Verification: Blockchain can be used to manage and secure digital identities, allowing individuals to control and share their personal information securely. This can be valuable in applications such as online identity verification and access control.

    Data Sharing and Collaboration: Blockchain can enable secure and efficient sharing of data and assets among multiple parties. This is useful in industries like healthcare, where patient data can be shared securely among healthcare providers, or in the entertainment industry for royalty payments to content creators.

    Tokenization of Assets: Blockchain allows for the creation of digital tokens that represent ownership or rights to physical or digital assets. This tokenization can facilitate the trading of assets like real estate, art, and securities in a more efficient and accessible manner.

    Reduced Intermediary Costs: By removing intermediaries and automating processes, blockchain can reduce transaction costs, increase efficiency, and lower fees associated with various financial, legal, and administrative functions.

    Global Accessibility: Blockchain is accessible worldwide, making it valuable for cross-border transactions and financial inclusion, allowing individuals in underserved regions to access financial services.

  • Bloxtel uses a custom permissioned, private blockchain, specifically designed for enterprise applications. It is based on an open platform that provides a flexible and modular architecture that allows organizations to create private, secure, and scalable blockchain networks to meet their specific needs. Due to its focus on privacy, security, and flexibility, this open platform is widely used in a variety of enterprise applications, including supply chain management, finance, healthcare, and more. This open platform places a strong emphasis on security to ensure that enterprise blockchain networks are robust, trustworthy, and capable of protecting sensitive data and transactions. Here are some key security features and considerations:

    • Permissioned Network: Bloxtel's blockchain permissioned architecture ensures that only authorized participants can join and interact with the network. This helps prevent unauthorized access and maintains control over the network's integrity.
    • Cryptography: Bloxtel's blockchain uses advanced cryptographic techniques for securing data, transactions, and identities. For example, digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity of transactions, and cryptographic keys are employed for secure communication.
    • Private Data: The private data collection feature allows sensitive information to be shared selectively with only the necessary participants. This ensures that confidential data remains private while still benefiting from the advantages of a shared ledger.
    • Identity Management: Bloxtel's blockchain provides robust identity management services to authenticate and authorize participants. It supports various identity schemes and allows organizations to integrate their existing identity solutions.
    • Smart Contract Security: Smart contracts in Bloxtel's blockchain run within secure containers. This isolation ensures that code execution is sandboxed and does not have unintended interactions with the underlying system.
    • Consensus Mechanisms: Bloxtel's blockchain supports pluggable consensus mechanisms, allowing organizations to choose the consensus algorithm that best suits their security and performance requirements.
    • Channel Isolation: Different groups of participants can create separate communication channels within a network. This means that sensitive information and transactions are not visible to all network members.
    • Auditing and Logging: Bloxtel's blockchain maintains detailed logs of all transactions and system activities. These logs can be used for auditing and monitoring, helping to identify and address any security issues.
    • Updates and Upgrades: Bloxtel's blockchain provides a structured approach to system updates and upgrades, ensuring that security patches and improvements can be applied without disrupting the network.
    • Network Endorsement Policies: Organizations can define endorsement policies that determine how many and which parties must approve a transaction before it is considered valid. This helps maintain control and security over the network.
    • Security Best Practices: Bloxtel follows security best practices when implementing, maintaining and deploying its blockchain network. Regular security audits and reviews help identify and address vulnerabilities

  • The choice between private 5G and Wi-Fi should be based on your organization's specific use cases, requirements, and budget considerations. Private 5G networks and Wi-Fi serve different purposes and have distinct advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, a hybrid approach that combines both technologies may be the most suitable solution. The table below summarizes benefits of private 5G networks over Wi-Fi:

    Reliability and Performance Private 5G offers more predictable and consistent performance compared to Wi-Fi (prone to interference and congestion, especially in crowded areas). 5G provides lower latency than Wi-Fi, which is crucial for mission-critical apps such as AI-based video analytics.
    Coverage and Range Private 5G networks can cover larger areas, including outdoor spaces, with fewer access points compared to Wi-Fi.
    Enhanced Security Private 5G networks offer advanced security features, including encryption and authentication, making them more secure than traditional Wi-Fi networks, which are susceptible to various attacks.
    Quality of Service Private 5G networks can prioritize critical applications and devices, ensuring consistent performance for mission-critical tasks. Wi-Fi may struggle to guarantee similar quality of service.
    Higher Device Density 5G networks can support a higher density of connected devices per square meter compared to Wi-Fi, which is important for scenarios like smart cities and large-scale IoT deployments.
    Seamless Mobility 5G allows to create multiple virtual networks (network slices) on the same infrastructure, each tailored to specific requirements. This feature is valuable for businesses with diverse connectivity needs.
    Network Slicing 5G allows network operators to create multiple virtual networks (network slices) on the same infrastructure, each tailored to specific requirements. This feature is valuable for businesses with diverse connectivity needs.
    Regulatory Control Organizations have more control over their private 5G network infrastructure, allowing them to tailor it to their specific needs and comply with industry regulations.
    Future-Proofing Private 5G networks are considered a long-term investment, as they can adapt to evolving technologies and standards, ensuring compatibility with future IoT and Industry 4.0 advancements.
  • No, even if a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is a traditional network of spatially separated antenna nodes connected to a common source that provides cellular coverage within a specific area. It is different from a Neutral Hosting deployment.

    Neutral Hosting DAS
    40-60% lower TCO High implementation costs
    Operational within hours Very lengthy (days, months, sometimes years) and complex to deploy
    Higher in-building capacity Lower capacity
    Connects to existing LAN Requires dedicated fiber/coax wiring
    Simple RF design using CBRS spectrum Complex RF design using licensed spectrum
    Multi-use Public/private network Single use network
  • A Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN) gateway is a network-sharing solution that allows multiple mobile network operators (MNOs) to share the same Radio Access Network (RAN) while maintaining separate core networks. Simply put, it routes traffic from a shared RAN to individual MNO core networks. This approach can offer several advantages and disadvantages:

    1. Cost Efficiency: Sharing the RAN infrastructure significantly reduces capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX) for each operator. This is particularly beneficial in areas with low population density where the cost of deploying individual networks is prohibitive.
    2. Improved Coverage and Capacity: By pooling resources, MNOs can extend coverage and enhance network capacity, leading to better service quality for users, especially in rural or underserved areas.
    3. Faster Deployment: Network sharing can accelerate the rollout of new technologies, such as 5G, by leveraging existing infrastructure. This means faster time-to-market for new services and broader availability.
    4. Environmental Benefits: Sharing infrastructure reduces the environmental impact by minimizing the need for redundant equipment and infrastructure, such as cell towers and base stations.
    5. Resource Optimization: Operators can optimize the use of available spectrum and other resources, leading to more efficient network management and reduced interference.

    1. Complexity in Management: Coordinating between multiple operators can be complex and requires robust management and governance structures. Disagreements on cost-sharing, maintenance, and upgrades can arise.
    2. Quality of Service (QoS) Conflicts: Ensuring consistent QoS across all operators can be challenging. Each operator may have different requirements and priorities, potentially leading to conflicts and compromises.
    3. Security Concerns: Sharing infrastructure can introduce security vulnerabilities. Ensuring the security and privacy of each operator's data and services requires stringent measures and constant monitoring.
    4. Limited Differentiation: When multiple operators share the same RAN, it can be difficult for them to differentiate their services based on network quality or coverage. This might lead to reduced competitive advantage for individual operators.
    5. Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Different countries have varying regulations regarding network sharing. Navigating these regulations and ensuring compliance can be challenging and may limit the implementation of MOCN in certain regions.
    6. Dependency on Shared Resources: Operators become dependent on shared infrastructure, which means any issues or failures in the shared RAN can affect all operators simultaneously, potentially leading to widespread service disruptions.