Solutions >   5G Neutral Hosting

Neutral hosting is an emerging business model in which your organization can securely share your deployed private 5G infrastructure to support offloading from other paying mobile operators. These operators can be public, nationwide carriers or other private operators. In all cases, they would use neutral hosting to fill their indoor connectivity gaps as wireless signals from their outside towers cannot sufficiently penetrate inside your site due to modern building materials (e.g. low-emissivity glass).

The primary goal of neutral hosting is to enhance connectivity and coverage in specific venues or areas, such as stadiums, airports, convention centers, large office buildings, and public spaces, by allowing multiple offloading operators to share a common network infrastructure.

5G and Beyond are all about Small Cell Densification.
Neutral hosting is especially beneficial in scenarios where it is impractical for offloading operators to deploy their infrastructure in your site. It offers a practical solution to improve cellular connectivity and meet the growing demand for mobile data services in densely populated areas, especially indoors. The deployment of neutral host networks may involve regulatory considerations and agreements between the neutral host provider (i.e. your organization as a decentralized Operator), wireless carriers, and regulatory authorities.

Bloxtel takes care of these agreements on your behalf and addresses issues such as spectrum and slice allocation, service level agreements, and access rights. You focus on your business.

It is All About Zero CAPEX/OPEX Strategy for Offloading Operators

  • Shared Infrastructure
    Neutral host networks enable multiple mobile network operators (MNOs) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), to share a single physical network infrastructure. This includes the deployment of antennas, base stations, fiber optic cables, and other network equipment.

  • Increased Coverage and Capacity
    By sharing infrastructure, wireless carriers can collectively enhance the coverage and capacity of their networks in high-traffic or challenging indoor environments. This can result in improved call quality, faster data speeds, and reduced congestion.

  • Cost Efficiency
    Neutral hosting can be more cost-effective for wireless carriers compared to building and maintaining their individual networks within the same location. It reduces the duplication of infrastructure and associated costs.

  • Improved Competition
    Neutral hosting promotes competition among wireless carriers by allowing consumers to choose among different service providers within the same venue or area. This competition can lead to better service quality and pricing for consumers.

  • Network Management
    Neutral host providers are responsible for managing the shared network infrastructure. This includes maintaining equipment, optimizing network performance, and ensuring the seamless operation of all participating wireless carriers.

  • Customization
    Neutral host networks can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of each participating wireless carrier. This can include configuring network parameters, quality of service (QoS) settings, and security features.

Our technology makes neutral hosting seamless

The patented dSIM® technology was built for simplifying network offloading in a world of millions of private networks.

Visitors and/or Personnel with compatible devices download dSIMs from their favorite offloading operators before or after they enter your site.

Once inside your site, their dSIM-enabled 5G devices (phones or IoT) are automatically registered to a dedicated slice of your private 5G network.

Network access is routed to the offloading operator's public or private network via a secure proxy server tunnel called Bloxtel’s Offloading Gateway.

It is a passive revenue augmentation opportunity

With network slicing built into your organization's private 5G network, you can enable the 5G neutral hosting option easily without impacting your organization's critical operations. For example, if your Bloxtel's private 5G network site is an aiport, stadium, school, office or residential building and you have a large population of mobile phone users within your site, you can monetize this traffic by simply reselling your private 5G connectivity infrastructure in a dedicate slice of your network. Not only this new revenue can offset your private 5G network investment costs, but could also positvely contribute to your bottom line.

 Based on traffic commitment, we charge $0.10-0.25 per GB to the Offloading Operator. You keep 70% of that revenue.

It is also a differentiation opportunity

In this day and age, providing a better and more secure connectivity experience to visitors and/or personnel in a site is a must. Up to 80% mobile data consumption occurs indoors (with less than 60% of users satisfied with their coverage and capacity), and since public operators' outside 5G towers cannot sufficiently penetrate inside your site, your private 5G network helps ensuring that visitors (e.g. stadium, museum, etc.) and/or personnel will have a seamless cellular connectivity experience.

Get Started with 5G Neutral Hosting >