Solutions >   Peer Node Validation

Bloxtel's private 5G network platform runs on an enterprise-grade blockchain (i.e. distributed ledger) simplifying the deployment of decentralized physical infrastructure. The Web3 abstraction layer ensures cellular network interoperability and pricing predictability. As digital twins of SIM cards, dSIMs are deployed during their lifeycles from semi-fungible tokens (SFTs) to non-fungible tokens(NFTs).

Blockchain makes multi-tenancy transparent

Blockchain (or distributed ledger) technology is associated with transparency due to its inherent characteristics and the way it operates. This openness fosters transparency as authorized people can verify transactions and the state of the ledger. Securely sharing computational and storage resources in an auditable fashion makes trust inherent in blockchain-native systems while significantly cutting costs.

Bloxtel's deployment model on the blockchain offers a superior level of security and transparency to organizations. Participants are trusted and on-boarded before they are granted access, and the degree of transparency can be adjusted based on the specific use case and permissions granted. Organizations always remain in control of their data and can audit at anytime their dSIM-related transactions from an easy-to-use block explorer built into the Operator dApp.

Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) is the next step in evolution for cost-effective SaaS platforms.

  • Immutable Ledger: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes extremely difficult to alter or delete it. This immutability ensures that all transactions are permanently recorded and can be audited by authorized people.

  • Smart Contracts: Self-executing agreements (similar to transactions in centralized, relational databases) with the terms of the contract directly written into code. These contracts automatically execute when predefined conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring transparency in contract execution.

  • Auditability: Blockchains provide a high level of transparency because all transactions are recorded and timestamped. This audit trail is valuable for accountability, compliance, and dispute resolution.

  • Cryptographic Security: The use of asymmetric (public key) cryptography ensures the security and integrity of data. Transactions are signed with private keys, and data is cryptographically hashed, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized parties to tamper with the information.

It is a passive revenue augmentation opportunity

Peer validator refers to a participant node that plays a critical role in the consensus mechanism of the blockchain. As a peer validator, your organization is rewarded for helping verify and create new blocks on the blockchain. The consensus mechanism helps validating and agreeing on the dSIM-related transactions that are added to the ledger.

 An elected validator (or validator group) during a transaction receives 5-10% of the paid offloading fee.

Get your visitors (or personnel) to validate your network

If you're operating a site such as a sports/music venue, you can have your visitors (or personnel) use and help validate your private 5G network. Think of it as crowdsourced 5G network testing. We provide a free mobile app (Android and iOS) just for that purpose. A participant can download a dSIM which will perform proof-of-coverage and proof-of-quality (RSSI, RSSP, uplink/downlink speed, etc.) tests in the background while they are enjoying your network. You can access test results in the coverage map from the Operator dApp. The participant, as a mobile validator, can be also incentivized by other members of Bloxtel's blockchain ecosystem to perform these validation tasks.