Solutions >   Indoor 5G Coverage

Why Should your Organization Deploy a private 5G network?

Unlike early deployments of 5G, which initially relied on existing 4G infrastructure (known as Non-Standalone or 5G NSA), 5G Standalone (known also as 5G SA) is designed to operate without any dependence on older network technologies. Deploying a private 5G network for indoor cellular coverage is a strategic move for organizations looking to enhance their connectivity options, improve efficiency, and maintain control over their network infrastructure. Private 5G networks can provide superior indoor cellular coverage compared to traditional Wi-Fi or public cellular networks. This can be especially important in sites where maintaining consistent connectivity is critical for operations.

Private 5G networks are already being deployed in office & residential buildings, factories, schools, hospitals, stadiums, airports, military bases, etc.

There are already over 1,000 sites globally that have deployed private cellular networks (mostly 4G) as part of their digital transformation journey. By 2030, it is projected that there will be over 1,000,000 private networks globally. As of November 2023, the US had over 360,000 active small cells using the shared Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz radio band, operating more specifically in the 3550-3700MHz spectrum.

Making the strategic decision now to invest in your organization's private 5G network helps you ensure a competitive edge in your industry.

Key Benefits of Indoor 5G Coverage

  • 5G networks offer lower latency than previous generations, making them ideal for applications that require real-time data transfer. In a manufacturing facility, for instance, low-latency 5G can enable robotics and automation systems to function efficiently.

  • 5G networks provide high bandwidth, allowing for the efficient transfer of large amounts of data. This is beneficial for applications like high-definition video streaming, virtual reality, augmented reality, and IoT devices.

  • Private 5G networks offer greater control and security over the network infrastructure and data. This is crucial in sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, where data privacy and security are paramount.

  • Enterprises can tailor private 5G networks to their specific needs. They can prioritize certain types of traffic, allocate resources as required, and implement security protocols that align with their business requirements.

  • With 5G, it's possible to create network slices, essentially virtual networks within a single physical network. This allows different departments or applications within an enterprise to have their own dedicated network slices with customized settings.

  • Private 5G networks can be designed to offer high availability and reliability. This is vital in mission-critical applications, such as those found in healthcare, emergency services, and industrial automation.

  • Public cellular networks can become congested in urban areas, leading to interference and slower performance. Private 5G networks can provide a dedicated and interference-free environment, ensuring consistent connectivity.

  • In some industries, such as healthcare and finance, strict regulatory compliance is necessary. Private 5G networks can be configured to meet these compliance requirements while still offering robust connectivity.

  • 5G technology is expected to be the standard for mobile communications for years to come. Deploying a private 5G network can future-proof an enterprise's connectivity infrastructure, ensuring it remains up-to-date with evolving technology.

  • While the initial setup of a private 5G network can be costly, it can lead to long-term cost savings, especially when compared to the ongoing expenses associated with public cellular data plans.

Bloxtel stands out in the private 5G market

Many private 5G vendors in the market claim support for 5G, but their solutions are really 5G NSA. There is no clear differentiation in their products, yet they are very expensive and complex to deploy. Compared to Wi-Fi, it makes it very hard to justify your private 5G network acquisition strategy. With the patented dSIM technology, Bloxtel makes your private 5G Standalone look like Wi-Fi on steroids. The choice is simple.

The Competition

They consist of public operators and their vendors. Public operators are not software companies, but just resellers of their vendors' solutions. Their expensive solutions are hard to customize and scale down. This group is not organized to deal with enterprise operations with less than 1,000 SIMs. It does not fit well their business models.

They consist of cloud providers who are very entrenched in their everything-in the-cloud mantra which creates huge performance, security and privacy concerns. Their solutions require strong devOps expertise and their SLAs are generally not carrier-grade.

Their solutions are in general just scaled-down versions of products offered by incumbents and/or hyperscalers. Some of them are actually powering the solutions that incumbents or hyperscalers are marketing. The problem is they still use the same traditional centralized approach to telecom with the same deployment complexity.

We have the only 5G Standalone platform that supports asymmetric authentication. Our exceptional features are based on our patented dSIM technology. Our tailored solutions, which are vertifically integrated with our private 5G Standalone platform, were built because we took the time to understand your pain points. You win, we win!

  •  70% more secure
  •  80% more performant
  •  90% more affordable
  •  10x more scalable

Deploy your own private 5G network within hours

The white-glove, turnkey serverless platform comes with a guaranteed carrier-grade Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 99.999% of uptime (“5 nines uptime” ) with an average of less than 6 minutes downtime per year (0.86 seconds per day). Bloxtel gives you service credits for any incident.

Private 5G network deployment as simple as configuring a Wi-Fi router.

All you need are Power and Backhaul Connectivity Sources.

  • Power Source: Input: 100-240V ~50/60Hz 1.5A Max ; Output: 60.48W
  • Backhaul Connectivity Source: Fiber or Ethernet (e.g. CAT6). We provide the cables (e.g. CAT6 cable and/or Fiber-to-CAT6 converter). Depending on your location, we can help with other backhaul connecvitiy options from our fiber, cable and satellite partners.

Dedicated Technicians at your disposal 24/7


Bloxtel assigns Site Technicians to plan and manage your private 5G network deployment. For the US market, our Site Technicians relay installation and operating parameters into an FCC-certified Spectrum Access System (SAS). The SAS enables your small cells to use the shared CBRS radio band. For other markets, we work with your local telecom regulator to evaluate your options. In all markets, we can help set up agreements with public operators to use their unused spectrum at your site.

It's quick and simple for you to become your own private 5G operator.

To get started, we ship you an Operator Evaluation Kit that includes a plug-and-play 5G access point. Once installed, you can configure and manage your 5G network including remotely provisioning your IoT devices with dSIMs from a decentralized web3 application called Operator dApp. You can order more access points and add them to your private network. They can securely communicate with each other in peer-to-peer mode without transiting through remote third-party servers.

  • dSIM: physical or electronic SIM compliant with ETSI, GSMA and 3GPP specifications with various patented enhancements such as asymmetric authentication (6G AKA), integrated quality-of-service and proof-of-coverage applications for peer-to-peer decentralized 5G networks.
  • Access Point: all-in-one peer-to-peer small cell with a built-in multi-band antenna with CBRS support. Depending on the model, it can be mounted on desks, poles, walls or ceilings. It hosts Open6GC, which is the only dSIM-compatible 5G network core similar built like a Wi-Fi AP with the benefits of 5G.
  • Operator dApp: decentralized Web3 application running on the blockchain for managing your private 5G network including clustering your 5G access points. It also allows remote issuance and management of dSIMs to your organization’s User Equipment (e.g. Phones, IP Cameras, IoT Devices).